Summer 2020

Summer 2020

Let us pray for rain!

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. John 1:1-3

 First of all, I wish you a very healthy and blessed 2020! We trust that you had a good festive season with your loved ones and that all is well with you and your family.

Seeing the effects of the drought all around, I really hope and pray for rain this year! I immigrated to South Africa in 1976 when it was drought time, just like it is now. I remember everyone asking people on radio and TV and in churches to pray for rain for the farmers. Coming from Holland, where it is raining almost every day, I had found this somewhat strange. I was rather enjoying the sunshine! Today, the situation is again much the same: many farmers are having a tough time. Yet, strangely enough, no one in the media is asking you to pray for rain anymore. One is simply told that the droughts and the resulting fires are due to man-made climate change. Hence, the ‘bad’ weather is simply your fault……

The earth and everything in it belongs to the Lord! (Ps. 24:1)

Must say: I do recall Jesus making a specific point to all his disciples [with Him in a bad storm on a boat] that He (God) is [also] always in control of the weather (Luke 8:24-25). On reading this story again, it appears that we can always pray to God [in faith] asking Him to change the weather!

Having learned of all the intricacies of the weather – namely, for example, how God has put several brakes in place so that it does not get either too hot or too warm – I have come to  appreciate any type of weather, as ‘good’ (coming from God). Even if the weather gets so bad that it destroys life in its wake, I always know that God still is in control. Often you find that even ‘bad’ weather opens doors for new life to begin. Join the discussions about this and related issues on “Henry’s Blog’, website:

Many thanks to all of you who responded to our request for extra funds to renovate the children’s home in Koraalstr 7, Jeffreys Bay. A special word of thanks goes to John and Peggy in Northcliff and Monique of the MyMostBeautiful competition. So far, we have received about R30000!!! This is not at all bad compared it to our previous special effort. You will recall the time when we collected R26000 for new appliances for the Rehoboth Children’s Village in Port Shepstone. See picture above.

Please Help!

Please Help!

Know that God is doing His work in all the 21 homes that are sponsored by Heart for Children made possible by donors like you in South Africa and the Netherlands!

Many thanks to each one of you who share our compassion for orphans and abandoned children by making a regular contribution.

There are 8 foster homes in the Jeffreys Bay /Humansdorp area that receive regular monthly aid from Heart for Children in the Netherlands and they are all run by Victory4All, see

 Unfortunately, to comply with the minimum standard as laid down by the relevant authorities, the one foster home in Koraal str. 7, Jeffreys Bay, needs urgent repairs and if we don’t get the money for this, it might have to be closed. We received a quotation for the work that needs to be done and it comes to R279000. I know this sounds like an awful lot, but I know and trust God that we will raise this amount. First and foremost, I am asking you and everyone who reads this request, if you can help us? Any donation, no matter how great or small will be much appreciated. With your donation or extra donation, please mention your name with Koraal7 in the reference line. Many thanks!

We have already approached the Dischem Foundation and we will also approach other businesses and the National Lotteries Commission in this regard to hear if they can help us with this project. We are also asking all our supporters again if they are aware of any businesses that can help us? Please let us know.

Henry and Annette in the middle in front of Koraalstr. 7

Heart for Children is an approved public benefit organization. All income & distribution to welfare projects [i.e foster homes] is audited every year. We are an approved public benefit organisation, PBO no. 930030392 and this means that your contributions to Heart for Children are tax deductible! Note that we value and appreciate any contribution you can make! The bank details are:  

Heart for Children, FNB Cheque acc. no 6221 5969 116 (code 250655).

Many thanks for your support! We wish you God’s richest blessings,

Henry and Annette Pool

Giving orphans, vulnerable and abandoned children a chance for a better life!

Christmas celebration 2018

Christmas celebration 2018

We are really excited about being able to support a home close by our own home in Pretoria. We were able to give each child a small gift for Christmas. We are looking forward to closer co-operation with Share Tears and Grow.  However, in order to support the home, we are dependent on financial support. Please consider supporting HfC on a monthly basis!

Looking forward to 2019

Looking back at 2018, we are grateful to all our wonderful donors for your support during the year. Each one in his/her own small way, has made a difference in the life of a child. We are looking forward to new opportunities in 2019, broadening our scope to include additional places of safety and foster homes caring for abandoned and orphaned children within the Gauteng area. HfC would love to impact the lives of more children, but to do this, HfC needs the continued support of our donors. Your continued financial support ensures a safe haven for a child in need. Please consider donating to HfC on a monthly basis. Any small amount assists!

May all our donors experience God’s richest blessings in 2019.

HfC ten years old

This year, Hart voor Kinderen/Heart for Children has been in existence for 10 years. You are welcome to visit the website of Hart voor Kinderen to see the extent to which the lives of children have been touched at  One story stands out for me, the story of “Eddy”, an abandoned child whose life has been changed through the love of new parents. His story is but one of thousands of abandoned children.

Without the support of our donors, we will not be able to assist in changing the lives of abandoned/orphaned children. We therefore extend our sincerest gratitude to all our donors that support HfC on a monthly basis. We also receive once-off donations from several donors, for which we are just as grateful. However, we implore on you to consider donating to HfC on a monthly basis. With a steady monthly income, HfC will be able to support additional homes on a monthly basis.