It is time for Christmas carols!

In the past we used to send all our donors and sponsors a small gift around this time of the year, usually a CD with Christmas songs and carols, hoping in turn to get an (extra) donation for the children and the ministry. Afterall, Christmas is the season of giving!! How times have changed. The ‘post’ has all but disappeared and I wonder if people still know what a CD is…. anyway, we just have to adapt to the circumstances, not so?

In our house, Christmas does not pass without us listening to the CD:  “The Christmas Way” by the Oslo Gospel choir! I so much want to share this with you now. I am sure that any copyrights on this have come to an end, which means that we can freely pass this on now. I hope you are able to take the time to listen to this on your device with your earphones and your eyes closed. Just click on the small arrow left in the red box. If you are (also) blessed, like we are every year, please send us your (extra) donation for the benefit of our orphans and abandoned children:

DONATE | Heart for Children

We are grateful for any amount you can afford to give!

(In addition to our own homes that we are supporting, as a special project for next year, we also want to try and give some substantial support to the Guardians of Hope in East-London. This is a safe house for babies and very small children. See video further on).


Christmas Carols

by the Oslo Gospel Choir | The Christmas Way

Drive safely, enjoy the festive season and stay blessed! 

Annette  0834696875

Henry      0836297690



Heart for Children Newsletter 24.10.2024

Newsletter: Heart for Children 24/10/2024

Isaiah 40:31: “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

We know this promise by Yahweh to the people of God by heart, yet we do not accept His promise fully. This is the time of year when we complain that we feel so tired. So much has happened during this year, like wars, natural disasters, politics, and, closer to home, the various challenges in our own lives. I believe we can only confirm that what happens in our personal lives is what affects us the most. Some of us struggle with our health, or experience financial constraints. Looking back at the past year we may realize that in most cases we have tried to solve our problems in our own way. We have not yet reached the point where we fully let go and let God take over. I often think that we, as the children of God, become so embroiled in our own problems that we tend to peck in the dirt like chickens. Isaiah reminds us to wait on the Lord, who shall renew our strength. If we trust in Yahweh and get up from the dirt, we shall soar above our weariness. Let us search for Godly strength and encouragement in these last weeks before this year comes to an end.

Accomplishment for 2024

As we have reported before, God has been faithful, and Heart for Children collected sufficient funds to provide gas stoves to all homes of the Rehoboth Children’s village plus complete solar power for the education-, distribution- and activity center, respectively. This will make them less dependent on power from ESKOM so that most activities can carry on if there is a power outage.

However, our finances have dwindled to the extent where we are unable to meet our monthly expenses and regular monthly payments to those homes that we are supporting. We therefore urge you, our donors, to open your heart. Heart for Children needs your monthly financial support, otherwise we will have to cut back, which will be to the detriment of the children we support.

Proposal for a new project for this summer

Our financial director, Philip Nicholson, has recently been asked to join the board of the “Guardians of Hope” (GoH), an organization that facilitates rescue and assistance in East London toa maximum of ca. 30 babies and small children. The board of Heart for Children has considered a new project for the next six months collecting donations for GoH, providing for as much baby formula (milk), baby food and nappies as possible. Please take a few minutes to watch this video:

For more information, you can also go to the GoH website: Guardians of Hope | Place of safety

Will you help? We will take pictures of the goods supplied, so that you can be assured of where your contributions are going. Please remember that this project is in addition to the homes that we are already supporting.  Here is what to do: Please make a (n) (extra) donation to Heart for Children. In the reference, please give your name, surname and the word: ‘hope’. That way we will be able to allocate your donation going to the ‘Guardians of Hope’ project. Please click here for more information on how to donate: DONATE | Heart for Children

May God bless you richly,

Henry and Annette Pool


Henry’s Blog | Bread on the water


NEWS | Heart for Children





I am sure that you are aware of the project that we had embarked upon for the Rehoboth Children’s Village. I am so proud to report that all the work that we set out to do to make the Rehoboth Children’s Village less dependent on Eskom power, has now been finalized. All 17 homes in the village now have gas cooking! The homes already had been fitted with solar geysers and to this we added the lightbulbs with batteries in every room that keep on shining for hours if the power goes off. We supplied full solar power to the activity center which includes the cooling- and food distribution center. Finally, we also replaced the faulty inverter of the existing solar power installation of the school.

Message from the Rehoboth Children’s Village (on behalf of ca. 80 children): Thanking you all so much for this amazing support. Both Gas and Solar. What a blessing. Bless you guys and BIG hugs from us. Alfons & Yvonne van Galien

Below are some pictures that we want to share with you! 

Above and below: Full solar installation for the activity center (includes cooling and food storage&supply).

Below are some pictures of the education centre and the improvement to the solar installation!

(After inspection, Henry saying: the solar installation at the education center could do with an extra 2 more solar panels, situated elsewhere, away from the trees. Unfortunately, Heart for Children has used all the funds that were available).

Make a donation:

Feedback of our help to the Rehoboth Children’s Village

Feedback of our help to the Rehoboth Children’s Village

It has been a while since we gave you some feedback. First, before I forget again: Alfons and Yvonne van Galien of the Rehoboth Children’s Village would like to personally thank each donor and sponsor of Heart for Children that contributed to the R200000 that we collected for the children of the village. I am so glad to be able to report that, so far,

  • All 17 children’s homes in the village now have a full gas stove!

  • All the stoves have been installed and certified by an approved supplier. Unfortunately, this turned out to be a rather large cost factor.

  • 20 x 9kg gas bottles were purchased as well.

  • All lights in the homes were replaced with 56 LED back-up lights. These will keep on giving light for a few hours after the power goes off.

The cost for the above was almost R115000. We are all satisfied that this would enable the children’s homes to still function well in case of a power failure or load shedding.

The intention is that the remainder of the money be spent on adding pure solar power to the children’s village. Note that in the office, solar had already been installed. The solar of the school and education center had also been installed already but did not function due to a faulty inverter.

  • The faulty inverter at the school/education center has now been replaced for a little more than R10000 which included installation and certification costs.

This means that, so far, the office and the school & education center in the children’s village are now covered with power, especially in case of load shedding. What remains is the activity center of the village which also includes the clinic and the cooling/freezer room. There is a quote for a complete 3kW solar system servicing this building for R80750. We want to approve this expenditure but if you did the sums: yes, indeed, this is just ca. R5750 above our budget. However, considering such a large project, this is not really that much. I am sure we all wish to bring our help to the Rehoboth Children’s Village to a successful end. I just realized that we are really doing miracles, right here! We can do this. I am sure of it. I will also donate an extra R500 for this. May I once more ask for your assistance as well, please? Just click here, and maybe you can give as reference: your name + Rehoboth.

DONATE | Heart for Children

(Please remember that we also still need your regular monthly contributions to keep up with our monthly assistance to the safe houses that we have committed to!)

Note that we have sent all donors of Heart for Children the certificate for the tax year ending 29/2/2024. Please let us know if you have not received it. Just send e-mail us or send us an SMS (for our addresses and numbers: see at the end of this letter).

Thanking you for any contribution and wishing you God’s richest blessings!

Annette Pool



Henry Pool



From the desk of Henry: Easter 2024

From the desk of Henry: Easter 2024

When I think of Easter, I picture Jesus having to go down the Via Dolorosa, a public spectacle of humiliation, pain, and suffering. There was no other way (Luke 22:42). He had to make sure that our faith would be perfected so we would be able to fearlessly stand up against evil, like He did. It also means that God knows all our suffering, how and whichever way we encounter it. He went through it Himself. Crucifixion is one of cruelest punishments, inflicting an unbelievable amount of pain.

Says Max Lucado (in his book: ‘Fearless’):

‘Certain chapters in our lives seem so unnecessary. Suffering from disease or loneliness. Genocide, the horrible and indescribable atrocities committed during the holocaust and that what we see happening even during present day wars. Suffering persecution. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, storms, etc. The list of suffering is endless. If we assume this world exists just for pre-grave happiness, these atrocities disqualify it from doing so. But what if this earth is the womb? Might these challenges, severe as they may be, serve to prepare us, equip us for the world to come? As Paul wrote: These troubles are getting us ready for an eternal glory that will make all our troubles seem like nothing. (2 Cor. 4:17).’

I am reminded again of the story of Jesus healing the man who had been blind from birth. At the end, Jesus points to us and says: “You are the light of the world. A City on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matt.5:14). Jesus is saying: Wherever and whenever we find darkness we must resist it, fight it, and in so doing become more like Him. This is the challenge that He extends to us: You, together with Me, let us change this world and make it a better place. We are not called to solve riddles that cannot be solved or to find explanations for the unexplainable. Our faith only becomes real when we enter the darkness with the Spirit of Jesus in us and work together with Him doing the works of His Father: “Let there be light!” in an often dark and chaotic world. Our fight against ignorance, poverty, blindness, sickness, diseases, etc. all originate from this point in our lives, where we realize that He is challenging us to become like Him, with His Spirit in us, actively involved in the bringing of light where it is dark. People who follow in the footsteps of Jesus through service to Him, e.g. caring for the widows and orphans as He instructed, are the light in this chaotic and dark world. Let us continue to build on the example of our Lord Jesus in caring for our fellowman and child. 

News from Crystal Cathedral Ministries SA / Bread on the water:

Note that we have started a series of old sermons made by the late Dr. Schuller. If you have not yet started watching them, you can click on this link:

CCMSA | Bread on the water

The page may take a minute or so to load. The sermons are ranked in order, from the bottom to the top. It is best if you begin by looking at the very bottom of the page and work your way up. I also like writing articles that may give an alternative view of what is being presented / promoted by the mass media. Click on this link:

Henry’s Blog | Bread on the water 

Scroll down and choose the article that you would like to read. You are welcome to comment on the articles, I will try and respond to all your comments. Jesus warned us that near the end of time, conflicts and wars will increase. Indeed, one sometimes gets bewildered by what is going on in the world and you do not always know how to respond to the chaos around you. If you were blessed by any of the videos or articles, please remember to put something in the jar for us!  CCMSA / Bread on the water can only exist thanks to your donations: 

WE NEED YOUR HELP! | Bread on the water

(Regrettably, donations to this ministry are not tax deductible due it being regarded as a church)

News from Heart for Children:

Blessings to all of you who made it possible for us to reach the R200000 mark for our project to supply the orphanage in Murchison, KZN with alternative power. Click here if you had not seen our newsletter:

R200000!!!! | Heart for Children

We have been informed that they are busy getting quotes for gas stoves- and installation! It seems that the school in the village already has solar panels, but the inverter needs to be replaced. Once we know how much they need for all of this, we will know what is left for solar installation for the homes. Instead of putting solar on each of the children’s homes, it might be better to erect a field full of panels that can serve the whole village and that can be expanded later. We will keep you informed!

After Easter we will prepare your tax certificates. Please make sure that we have the correct full names of the person wanting to claim a tax benefit, his/her ID – and address as it is known by SARS. If you do not want or need a certificate, please let us know. We will want to make note of this as it prevents us doing extra work.

We also want to remind our donors that that we are willing to publish the names of their businesses that they want to promote on the sponsor page of the Heart for Children website. You just ask!

Many thanks for your faithful contributions to the children. Please remember that monthly donations are preferred so that we can plan our assistance to the homes that we promised to support!

DONATE | Heart for Children

If you are traveling this weekend: please do not take any risks and drive carefully!

We wish you a very blessed Pass-over and a Happy Easter!! 

Henry and Annette Pool

Cel. +27836297690



Henry’s Blog | Bread on the water




We did it!!! Altogether we collected R200000 for the solar/gas project for the Rehoboth Children’s Village in Murchison near Port Shepstone. On behalf of the children of the village, I would like to thank everyone who helped us to realize this fantastic goal. 100000x thanks to Hart voor Kinderen in the Netherlands who kept their promise to match our fund-raising effort here in South Africa Rand for Rand. Then, a special word of thanks to all of you who made sizeable contributions for this project: Hatfield Christian Church, Savannah Chemicals and John B. We also want to thank Christine, Alida, Deon, Hanli, Thiru, Hazel, George, Karin, Annetjie, Ingrid and Yvonne for making extra contributions for this project. May God bless you richly for your superb generosity.

The next step would be for Heart for Children (Henry & Annette) to consult with the founders of the Rehoboth’s Children Village, namely Alfonse and Yvonne van Galen, to determine how best to utilize the funds that we have now available for them. They are such lovely people. The goal would be for Rehoboth to become as near as possible to total independence from Eskom power. Priority should perhaps be given to putting all the children’s homes on gas cooking. Then, for the remainder, we are looking at various solar applications. I heard that it might be cheaper to build a field with solar panels for the whole village rather than to put up solar at each of the individual homes – this would be something worth investigating. Perhaps there are some consulting engineers amongst us who are willing to help by giving a free consultation to see exactly what they have in place already and what best can be done with the available funds? Or perhaps you know a friend whom you could ask to help us out here? Please let us know, and then, God willing, we can decide to visit the village at some time soon.

Whatever happens, obviously we will keep all of you informed and make some pictures for you to show the progress being made! Wishing you God’s richest blessings,

Henry and Annette Pool

Cel. +27836297690



Henry’s Blog | Bread on the water