Extra help for our children under lock down

Extra help for our children under lock down

As I am writing this more than 4 billion people all over the world have been asked to stay at home to prevent the Corona virus from spreading. I am sure everyone realizes the seriousness of the situation. Let us all pray that a cure will be found soon?

First, on behalf of the children, our heartfelt thanks to all of you who contributed to the special project of Heart for Children to renovate the foster home in Koraal str. 7, Jeffreys Bay. I remember that Jesus said: ‘Truly, I tell you, what you did for one of the least of these people, you did for Me’. (Matt. 25:40). May God bless you richly!

Ever wondered who the Sons of God were?

Regular Services

On another note: Remember that we still carry on with the broadcasting of services from the old Crystal Cathedral via our internet channel. The latest services our now always showing on top, so you don’t have to scroll down all the way down to the end. Click on:


Delivering food packages

Please understand that as a result of the lock down period, we have received requests from the mothers in the homes that are supported by Heart for Children (SA) &  Hart voor Kinderen(NL), for extra assistance with food and other necessities needed at this time.

Normally the children get meals at their schools. Under these special circumstances, in order to provide the required extra assistance during this particular trying time, the board of Heart for Children (SA) has decided that we should suspend our building project and postpone this for a year and rather use the special amount of R40000that was collected so far for a once off amount of R2000 extra for each of our homes this month (April). I am sure those who have contributed to the project will agree with us that we should heed the call from our mothers in the homes and provide some extra aid now to relieve them of the burden of financial stress resulting from the lock down. As from yesterday, we have started with the distribution of this funds!


We realize these are difficult times. Know that your continued faithful financial support for the ministries is much appreciated.

Wishing you God’s richest blessings! Please, please, do stay healthy & stay safe.