Summer 2020
Let us pray for rain!
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. John 1:1-3
First of all, I wish you a very healthy and blessed 2020! We trust that you had a good festive season with your loved ones and that all is well with you and your family.
Seeing the effects of the drought all around, I really hope and pray for rain this year! I immigrated to South Africa in 1976 when it was drought time, just like it is now. I remember everyone asking people on radio and TV and in churches to pray for rain for the farmers. Coming from Holland, where it is raining almost every day, I had found this somewhat strange. I was rather enjoying the sunshine! Today, the situation is again much the same: many farmers are having a tough time. Yet, strangely enough, no one in the media is asking you to pray for rain anymore. One is simply told that the droughts and the resulting fires are due to man-made climate change. Hence, the ‘bad’ weather is simply your fault……
The earth and everything in it belongs to the Lord! (Ps. 24:1)
Must say: I do recall Jesus making a specific point to all his disciples [with Him in a bad storm on a boat] that He (God) is [also] always in control of the weather (Luke 8:24-25). On reading this story again, it appears that we can always pray to God [in faith] asking Him to change the weather!
Having learned of all the intricacies of the weather – namely, for example, how God has put several brakes in place so that it does not get either too hot or too warm – I have come to appreciate any type of weather, as ‘good’ (coming from God). Even if the weather gets so bad that it destroys life in its wake, I always know that God still is in control. Often you find that even ‘bad’ weather opens doors for new life to begin. Join the discussions about this and related issues on “Henry’s Blog’, website:
Many thanks to all of you who responded to our request for extra funds to renovate the children’s home in Koraalstr 7, Jeffreys Bay. A special word of thanks goes to John and Peggy in Northcliff and Monique of the MyMostBeautiful competition. So far, we have received about R30000!!! This is not at all bad compared it to our previous special effort. You will recall the time when we collected R26000 for new appliances for the Rehoboth Children’s Village in Port Shepstone. See picture above.
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