In the past we used to send all our donors and sponsors a small gift around this time of the year, usually a CD with Christmas songs and carols, hoping in turn to get an (extra) donation for the children and the ministry. Afterall, Christmas is the season of giving!! How times have changed. The ‘post’ has all but disappeared and I wonder if people still know what a CD is…. anyway, we just have to adapt to the circumstances, not so?
In our house, Christmas does not pass without us listening to the CD: “The Christmas Way” by the Oslo Gospel choir! I so much want to share this with you now. I am sure that any copyrights on this have come to an end, which means that we can freely pass this on now. I hope you are able to take the time to listen to this on your device with your earphones and your eyes closed. Just click on the small arrow left in the red box. If you are (also) blessed, like we are every year, please send us your (extra) donation for the benefit of our orphans and abandoned children:
We are grateful for any amount you can afford to give!
(In addition to our own homes that we are supporting, as a special project for next year, we also want to try and give some substantial support to the Guardians of Hope in East-London. This is a safe house for babies and very small children. See video further on).
Christmas Carols
Drive safely, enjoy the festive season and stay blessed!
Annette 0834696875
Henry 0836297690
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